
As a leading Service Provider for Rapid7, we are dedicated to enhancing the security of your organisation. Our comprehensive managed services seamlessly manage vulnerabilities, monitor malicious behaviour, investigate and neutralise attacks, and automate operations.

At the core of our capabilities lies the world-renowned Metasploit Framework, the foremost penetration tool in the industry. By leveraging its sophisticated tools, we proactively create and deploy exploit codes, allowing us to stay ahead of potential threats. This capability sets us apart, enabling us to offer our customers a level of protection that goes beyond the ordinary. By leveraging our expertise and cutting-edge tools, you can identify and address potential weaknesses before they are exploited.

Explore the Power of Rapid7's Security Solutions

Ad-Hoc Consultancy Services

Providing your organisation with on-demand access to cybersecurity experts, whether you require strategic guidance, threat assessments, or customised solutions.

Architectural Excellence

Assessment of your current infrastructure to identify vulnerabilities and propose robust architectures to enhance your organisation's cybersecurity posture.

24/7 Proactive Management

Continuous monitoring of your digital environment, allowing us to detect and address potential threats in real-time, minimising the risk of security incidents.

Comprehensive Implementation

Designing, planning, and implementing the solutions, ensuring that the adoption of technologies that aligns seamlessly with your organisational goals and security requirements.

Innovative Proof of Concepts

Validating proposed security solutions through controlled testing, demonstrating their effectiveness, and providing tangible evidence before full-scale implementation.

24/7 Support

Commitment to round-the-clock support to address your concerns, troubleshoot issues, and provide timely assistance to help you navigate the complexities of cybersecurity.